Pastoral Council and Commissions

The Divine Providence Lithuanian Catholic Parapijos pastoracinė taryba complies with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council and the 1969 Detroit Archdiocesan Synod, in working together with the parish Pastor, Lithuanian Bishops Conference delegate for Lithuanians abroad, the South Oakland Vicariate and the Archdiocese of Detroit. The primary role of the Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in striving to grow together, as one in Christ, in charity, love and justice.The Pastoral Council determines the needs of the parish and its parishioners. Every year it defines parish objectives in compliance with the goals of the Archdiocese to ensure that the parish fulfills its spiritual and social mission. The Pastoral Council coordinates and approves the objectives and activities of the four Council Commissions which are responsible for the implementation of the outlined plans.Divine Providence Lithuanian Catholic Parish Pastoral Council consists of twelve members and the Pastor. Parish Commissions constitute the implementing body of the Parish Council. There are four Commissions: Worship, Education, Christian Service, and Stewardship (Administration).

Parish Council Committee – 2020

  • Algis Petrulis – Administrative Committee Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson (248) 202-1789
  • Rasa Karvelis – Christian Services Chairperson (248) 380-1363
  • Vaida Maloney – Secretary/Graphic Artist/Children’s Choir Director (313) 408-8343
  • Paulius Butkunas – Sports Club “Kovas” Representative (734)634-4566
  • Susan Bubnelis – Alter Flower Designer/Holiday Luncheon Organizer (734) 425-7234 or (734) 620-9078
  • Vilija Jurgutis – Facebook Administrator/Ziburio & Lithuanian Scouts    Representative (773) 680-3524
  • Vida McAndrew – Coffee Schedule Administrator (248) 892-0255