The Parish Finance Council is an essential consultative body of the parish that assists the Pastor in the administration of the “goods” of the parish. In certain situations, the consultation or consent of the Finance Council must be sought and received by the Pastor before financial action can be taken. In all cases, the work of the Finance

Council is a necessary element of the Pastor’s responsibility to administer the material resources of the parish efficiently, transparently and productively.

The Finance Council assists the Pastor in the preparation of a balanced annual budget, after receiving input from the Parish Pastoral Council concerning pastoral priorities and strategic planning. The Council also assists in maintaining an accurate inventory of all immovable property and movable objects, with their description and estimated value.

Parish Finance Council:

  • Kastytis Giedraitis – Chairperson, 248-478-8456,
  • Kastytis Karvelis – Council Member
  • Ed Sventickas – Council Member